We have now worked with students at 13 schools from different districts of Dar es Salaam, with over 1000 having been involved in CDI’s self-discovery workshops. In Summer 2017, 72 students participated in the Think Big Challenge itself - consisting of three teams of four from each school, selected via a written application process.
In self-evaluation surveys, students reported they felt they had improved in 11 out of 12 skill areas, including evaluation, teamwork and confidence. Meanwhile, the successfully implemented initiatives were varied, creative and combated very real problems. They ranged from setting up a silent study area in a disused classroom, to informing the community about the importance of education for women.
These quotes are from interviews/focus groups with students, asked what CDI had taught them:
"CDI has made me recognise that education is not just sitting in class and passing exams, it’s also being able to identify the problems in our surrounding environment and being able to solve them. I will pass this message to my fellow students…”
“It starts with you, as you should be an example and other people will follow easily."
“We learnt how to solve problems without any fear, since we learnt the proper techniques."
“The project should continue because it helped us a lot in knowing ourselves. Please come back again and add other schools."
“I feel like I was respected and CDI cared a lot."
For the full version of the Education Project's Impact Report, please see our Publications Page.